Heavy Duty
modified steel c-clamps, seasonal fruits, cigarette (variable by display)
Horny Gate, Text by Graham Feyl
Online presentation on Viral Ecologies
(...) “The piece is a pair of wrought iron
spikes; modified c-clamps fasten down on a
surface, and the spikes rise from this support
system. They reflect the bars of gates (who is
let in? who is being kept out?). The spikes
pierce pieces of fruit: blackberries, cherries
and oranges become sort of severed heads on
the ends of the prongs. These transplanted
wrought iron bars – their slightly limp wristed
points caress the sky – stand tall while the
juices of the fruit drip down their shafts. The
gates submit to the fruit; what has been used
to create a barrier - and the c-clamps that
could easily crush something between their
metal mouths – become simple holders for
fruit and the creatures that feast on them.” (...)
Graham Feyl
(...)“I started working on a series of metal sculptures under the title of Heavy Duty in summer 2021. This ongoing body of work is inspired by wrought iron garden gates and critter feeders. First iteration of the project was exhibited at the Bird Show, a project space organized by Erin Toale in July 2021. Graham Feyl wrote a reflection text about the show and the sculptures, which turned into a pdf publication along with the documentation of the pieces. For Viral Ecologies, I have updated this publication and included the newest member of the series; Heavy Duty (Domonique as Summer). Just before I left Chicago I had the chance to visit “Dancing in Real Life”, the retrospective exhibition of Yannis Tsarouchis at Wrightwood 659. A young man from Chartres, Dominique, who is also a poet, a painter, a musician, was one of Tsarouchis’ muses. Dominique modeled for him for multiple projects. In 1975 Tsarouchis painted portraits of Dominique modeling as seasons. In the portrait of summer Dominique holds (offers) a piece of fruit on one hand and on the other he holds a sickle. Heavy Duty (Domonique as Summer) recreates this moment and portrays a day in late summer. Fall is approaching, your motives are slowly shifting towards eudaimonia but hedonia still outweighs.”
Faysal Altunbozar